The Redmi K20 Pro, a product by Xiaomi was launched recently on 22nd of July, 2019. This is the official date. The company launched this smartphone on this date in India. The smartphone comes in two RAM variants. After it's launch, the Xiaomi company claimed that this product will be the cheapest smartphone in the digital market which provides a Snapdragon 855 Chipset. The product literally proved it. Redmi K20 Pro is the only product that gives a high processing CPU at the price of 27,000. Other important specifications are described in this Redmi K20 Pro Review . Highlights ● The Redmi K20 Pro has been launched recently by the Xiaomi company. ● The Redmi K20 Pro is manufactured by a Chinese company. ● Redmi K20 Pro is available on leading online as well as offline stores. ● The Redmi K20 Pro supports 4G Network Connectivity. ● The Redmi K20 ...
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